Rhasspy-BatchTester is a python script that provide a way to mass test intents.
You can test one or several sentences to Rhasspy intent recognition, or define a json file with several sentences and intent name that should match, and test it in one go.
So, once you define new intents and re-train your rhasspy, just run the test to be sure it doesn’t break other intents!
Nothing fancy here, just a python file … Download it on a PC or use wget to download it on your Rpi:
wget -P /home/pi/Rhasspy-BatchTester https://raw.githubusercontent.com/KiboOst/jeedom_docs/master/other/Rhasspy/RhasspyBatchTester/pyRhasspyBatcher.py
Common usage
You can use Rhasspy-BatchTester in two ways: test one single sentence, or feed a json file with sentences and test this json file.
Here is the structure of such json file:
"allume le champi d'axel pendant dix minutes": "TimeTurnOnJeedom",
"allume la lumière du canapé": "lightsTurnOnJeedom"
On the other hand, you can use this tool as a command line tool, or edit runTest.py file and start it.
Command line usage
You can simply call the tool from command line, with some arguments.
Example with one single sentence to test:
cd Rhasspy-BatchTester
python3 pyRhasspyBatcher.py --addr --sentence "Turn light on in the kitchen" --intent "turnLightOn"
Available arguments are:
- –addr : http://IP adress of Rhasspy.
- –port’ : Port of Rhasspy’ (default=’12101’).
- –json’ : json file path to test.
- –sentence’ : A sentence to test.
- –intent’ : The intent Name that should match –sentence.
- –debug’ : debug level (default=0).
Python script usage
You can write your own python script and import rhasspyBatcher as a python module. This allow you to set your own default settings and run the script whenever you need.
Here is an example of script:
```python #!/usr/bin/env python3 #-*- coding: UTF-8 -*- from argparse import Namespace from pyRhasspyBatcher import rhasspyBatcher if __name__ == "__main__": args = Namespace( addr="", port="12101", json='', sentence='', intent='', debug=0 ) rhasspy = rhasspyBatcher(args) if rhasspy.connected: rhasspy.testSentence("allume la lumière de la cuisine", "lightsTurnOnJeedom") #rhasspy.testJsonFile("mySentences.json") else: print('Could not connect to Rhasspy') ```Output example
Here is an example of what Rhasspy-BatchTester will output when testing:
[ MATCHED] ShutterOpenJeedom | query: ouvre un peu le volet du salon | confidence:1.0 | Slots: | house_room : salon | window_devices : volet | window_state : peu
[ MATCHED] VolumeDownJeedom | query: baisse un peu le son | confidence:1.0 | Slots: | ratio : peu
[ MATCHED] TurnOnJeedom | query: lance la musique | confidence:1.0 | Slots: | device_name : musique
[ MATCHED] TurnOnJeedom | query: mets du jazz | confidence:1.0 | Slots: | music_genre : Jazz
[ MATCHED] TurnOffJeedom | query: éteins le chauffage dans la salle | confidence:1.0 | Slots: | device_name : chauffage | house_room : salle
[ MATCHED] ModeJeedom | query: passe les volets en manuel | confidence:1.0 | Slots: | mode_name : volets | mode_type : manuel
[ MATCHED] departJeedom | query: on y va | confidence:1.0 | Slots: | depart : depart
[ MATCHED] EntityStateValueJeedom | query: combien fait il dans la chambre d'axel | confidence:1.0 | Slots: | device_name : temperature | house_room : axel
[ MATCHED] EntityStateValueJeedom | query: C'est quoi cette chanson ? | confidence:1.0 | Slots: | device_name : musique
[ MATCHED] EntityStateValueJeedom | query: est ce que le volet de la chambre des parents est ouvert | confidence:1.0 | Slots: | device_name : volet | house_room : parent
[ MATCHED] EntityStateValueJeedom | query: combien fait il dehors | confidence:1.0 | Slots: | device_name : temperature | house_room : dehors
[ MATCHED] getWeather | query: quel temps il va faire demain | confidence:1.0 | Slots: | when : forecast1
[ MATCHED] TimeTurnOnJeedom | query: allume le champi d'axel pendant dix minutes | confidence:1.0 | Slots: | device_name : champi_Axel | duration_mins : 10
[ MATCHED] TimeTurnOffJeedom | query: laisse la cuisine éteinte pendant 25 minutes | confidence:1.0 | Slots: | duration_mins : 25 | house_room : cuisine
[ MATCHED] searchPreviousDate | query: c'était quand les dernières vacances | confidence:1.0 | Slots: | annual_event : vacances
matched: 22 | unmatched: 0 | total: 22
Of course, unmatched: 0 is what to achieve ;-)