HLC setup for Rhasspy
Installation of HLC is rather simple and documented here
sudo chmod +x
sudo ./
Before starting it, we will have to configure service file for Rhasspy.
The important command line parameters are:
Edit the service file and change ExecStart line as follow:
Adapt HLC version number, your profile path (en instead of fr ?) and your hardware if needed
sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/hermesledcontrol.service
ExecStart=/home/pi/hermesLedControl_v2.0.3/venv/bin/python3 --engine=rhasspy --pathToConfig=/home/pi/.config/rhasspy/profiles/fr/profile.json --hardware=respeaker2 --pattern=kiboost
Then reload daemon and sart it:
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl start hermesledcontrol
ReSpeaker button
HLC allow to map some function on button pressed. For this, edit your pattern file in hermesLedControl_v2.0.x/ledPatterns/
Example toggling rhasspy wakeword:
```python from subprocess import call def __init__(self, controller): super(KiboostLedPattern, self).__init__(controller) = '' self.muted = False def idle(self, *args): #continuous blue breathing self._animation.set() middleLed = int(self._numLeds/2) if self.muted: self._controller.setLed(middleLed, 85, 0, 0, 75) else: self._controller.setLed(middleLed, 0, 85, 0, 75) def onButton1(self, *args): #mute hotword detection: self._animation.clear() if self.muted: self.muted = False topic = "hermes/hotword/toggleOn" else: self.muted = True topic = "hermes/hotword/toggleOff" payload = '{"siteId": "'+self._controller._mainClass._me+'", "reason": ""}' self._controller._mainClass._mqttClient.publish(topic, payload) self._controller.idle() ```Pressing the button will toggle wakeword service, and set self.muted variable accordingly so idle LEDS will show middle led green or middle led red if muted.
Turn LEDs on/off
HLC have topics to turn LEDs on and off. Just run this command on the master Rhasspy:
mosquitto_pub -p 1883 -t 'hermes/leds/toggleOn' -m '{"siteId" : "salle"}'
mosquitto_pub -p 1883 -t 'hermes/leds/toggleOff' -m '{"siteId" : "salle"}'
If you install several Rhasspy with a master and satellites, keep in mind that each device should have its MQTT host setting to the master IP.
Start the service: sudo systemctl start hermesledcontrol
Stop the service: sudo systemctl stop hermesledcontrol
Restart the service: sudo systemctl restart hermesledcontrol
Show service log: journalctl -u hermesledcontrol.service